Caitlin MacCalla, LMFT #47854

Caitlin MacCalla is a trauma informed Marriage and Family Therapist with close to twenty years of professional therapy or social service experience. Caitlins professional journey includes years working within the Family court system, counselor within our Private and Public Schools, as well as Lead parenting coach at local Bay Area Non Profits. Caitlin uses a strength based model of treatment, while co-creating a strong new narrative in her clients lives, that supports their ability to sustain strong emotional and mental health. She recognizes the importance of cultural humility in the therapeutic relationship and has worked with diverse populations throughout the greater Bay Area. Caitlin received her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from John F Kennedy University.

When not in the office you can find reading a good book, she’s an avid baker, or exploring the Bay Area with her son.

Caitlin is a licensed marriage and family therapist #48754. She currently offers virtual sessions, limited availability for in person in Menlo Park or in San Jose office.